
Every Child Matters, Every Moment Counts

At St. Francis Catholic Primary School, we believe that every child matters, and every moment counts. Regular attendance is vital for ensuring that children not only achieve their academic potential but also feel a strong sense of belonging within our school family.

We are committed to nurturing each child’s unique gifts and talents, and regular attendance ensures they can fully engage with the learning, friendships, and opportunities that make St. Francis such a special place.

Together, as a school community, we can ensure that every child thrives, flourishes, and builds the foundations for a bright and successful future.


Our Commitment to Attendance Excellence

At St. Francis, we aim for 100% attendance for every pupil, as we know how much of a difference it makes to their learning and wellbeing. We also recognise that there may be times when children are unwell or have exceptional reasons for absence, and we are here to support families in these circumstances.

Our expectations:

  • Be present and engaged: Every day in school helps your child to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
  • Be on time: The school day begins at 8:45 am. Arriving punctually sets a positive tone for the day ahead.
  • Plan ahead: Avoid term-time holidays wherever possible, and schedule medical appointments outside of school hours.
  • Keep us informed: Let us know if your child is unwell by contacting the school office as soon as possible on the first day of absence.

To help you decide if your child is well enough to attend school, the NHS provides a useful guide: Is my child too ill for school?.

By working together, we can ensure that your child feels supported, loved, and ready to make the most of every opportunity. For more information about your legal responsibilities and government guidance, you can visit the DfE’s Working Together to Improve School Attendance resource.



Absence from school must be explained by the parent. This can be done in a number of ways:-

* a telephone call to the school office

* a visit to the school office and speak to a member of staff

The school is obliged to record all absences and their explanations.

If for any reason your child arrives late you should bring them to the office so they can be entered in the ‘late’ book please. This is part of our monitoring of attendance. Any child arriving in school after 9.30am will be marked down as an un-authorised absence.

Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is an authorised absence, however proof is required by bringing an appointment letter/card to the office. We strongly encourage that appointments are made out of school hours.

Any request for ‘time off/absence’ for any reason must be made by completing an 'Absence Request Form' and handing this into the school office.  We DO NOT authorise absence for holidays at St. Francis in line with Government policy. Any parent/carer taking their child out of school for an unnecessary absence runs the risk of receiving a fixed penalty notice. This is currently £80 per parent, per child and the fine increases if the fine is not paid on time.

Please read our Absence Policy.


The school will monitor those pupils arriving late or being picked up late.  If a child arrives late or is picked up late more than three times in a term a reminder letters will be sent out to parents.  If this is repeated, a final warning letter will be sent out and a meeting will be organised with the Executive or Associate Principal.  If this persists, the Education Welfare Officer will be called in to support, and if it is the end of the school day, Social Care may be contacted to pick up your child/ren. 


Your Role in Supporting Attendance

At St. Francis Catholic Primary School, we believe that every child’s education is a partnership between school and home. Your support in ensuring regular attendance is vital to your child’s success, and together we can make every school day count.

Here are some practical tips to help support excellent attendance:

  • Establish a consistent routine: Creating a calm and organised morning routine can help your child feel prepared and positive about their school day. For advice on establishing effective routines, visit the NHS Tips for a Better Morning Routine.
  • Know when your child is too ill for school: Deciding whether your child is well enough to attend school can sometimes be challenging. The NHS provides a helpful guide to support parents in making informed decisions: Is My Child Too Ill for School?.
  • Schedule appointments outside school hours: Where possible, try to arrange medical or dental appointments after school or during holidays to minimise disruption.
  • Communicate promptly: If your child is unable to attend, contact the school office as early as possible on the first day of absence to let us know the reason.

We understand that life can bring unexpected challenges, and our team is here to support you. If you have concerns about your child’s attendance or are experiencing barriers, please reach out to us. Together, as part of the St. Francis family, we can ensure every child feels supported, valued, and ready to thrive.