
What is a governor?

On behalf of the Catholic community and the community of the school, the Governing Board is responsible for the overall conduct of the school, for promoting high standards of educational achievement and ensuring the Catholic mission of the school. The Governing Body sets the framework to ensure the delivery of the school’s strategic Vision. 
The Governing Board is the school’s accountable body and as such it: 
• sets the strategic direction of the school by setting the vision, values, aims and objectives for the school including its Catholic ethos. It works with the school's leadership team and staff in establishing a policy framework for achieving those aims and objectives. The governors appoint and performance-manage the headteacher and agrees the school improvement strategy which includes setting statutory targets with supporting budgets and staffing structures; 
• challenges and supports the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the work of the school, monitoring the school’s progress towards targets, and the effectiveness of the school’s improvement strategy; 
• appointing and performance-managing the headteacher who will deliver the aims (through the day to day management of the school, implementation of the agreed policy framework and school improvement strategy, and delivery of the curriculum) 
• ensures accountability by signing off the self-evaluation process and responding to Ofsted and RE inspection reports as necessary. In addition the governors hold the headteacher to account for the performance of the school and ensures that parents and the wider community are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate. 
Ensuring that Catholicity runs through every aspect of school life is another one of our top priorities. 
To be an effective governing board, governors will attend meetings and make regular visits to the school in order to get to know the school community. In addition each governor is assigned a particular area of responsibility for an area or subject, linking closely with different members of staff to monitor their areas of responsibility and providing Link Governor reports back to the full governing body. 

Contact the Governors

The governors can be contacted either via the school office or by emailing the clerk, Mrs Marilyn Hambleton, at the address below.



Please click here to view Current members of the Local Governors Committee

Governor Statutory INFORMATION

Click on logo to access information.
