As a caring School, we have been thinking of others, either by raising money or sending gifts for those less fortunate than ourselves.
This day marked the start of our Lent giving where children dress in non-uniform with a focus on wearing purple to raise money for those children and families affected by the Turkey and Syria earthquakes.
An amazing £355 was raised. The money will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee earthquake appeal (DEC).
The Emmaus Project which aims to provide clean water for 23 schools in the Masaka District of South-Western Uganda by providing water pumps.
The Prayer Team and Year 4 worked together to organise this year's Harvest Celebration. Year 4 led this year's Harvest mass. The school Prayer Team organised a chocolate bar sale. Thank you to all those who supported our Harvest appeal, helping us raise over £365 for this important project.
A collection at the end of the KS2 Carol Service raised a further £391.
Advent is a time to think of others so instead of putting up a traditional Christmas tree, we put up a Christmas 'Giving' Tree. Hanging on our tree were the names of those we wanted to pray for. Below the tree were gifts for those who do not have enough to eat. The food was donated to Nailsea Foodbank and was share with those who are hungry.