
In its simplest form, prayer is defined as “talking to God.” It is a personal time of opening our hearts to our Heavenly Father and bringing everything in our hearts to Him. Through the Apostle Paul, God asked us to pray. Prayer can be a powerful force for change in our lives, and the importance of doing it on a daily basis should be instilled in our children.

Communication is the foundation for success in any relationship. When we communicate openly and freely with each other, we learn to know each other as individuals. This principle also applies to our relationship with God. By talking to God, we can learn more about who He is and what plan He has for us.

Please read on to see different examples of prayer at St. Francis.

class liturgies

Since the beginning of the year, we have been planning and leading our own Class liturgies with the following structure "We gather", "We listen", "We respond", "We have a mission". After the liturgy, we evaluate it, reflecting on 'What Went Well' (eg how it helped us to pray, what it taught us about about our faith) and 'Even Better If' (eg What we would do differently next time). 


In Advent, Year 3 led a special assembly and explained the symbolism of the Advent Wreath. Following the Assembly, we all made Advent wreaths which were blessed by Fr Reg. We took the wreaths home so we could pray with our families in the weeks leading up to Christmas. At our Advent prayer station, we wrote down on stars, how we were going to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. 


Lent: Stations of the Cross

The children from Key Stage 2 walk to St Francis’ church to learn about and take part in
a prayer and reflection service based on the Stations of the Cross, which is a series of art works
displayed across the walls of all Catholic churches depicting the events of Holy Week and now
sometimes the resurrection.
The children are led in readings and prayers by the Chaplaincy team.  Here are some of the children's thoughts from this year:
‘It made me feel like I was on a journey with Jesus. I thought how much pain He went through and how I will try and help people if they are going
through a difficult time.’ Jack
‘It was nice to have a bit of time outside of stressful work and worship.’ Matias
‘I’m going to help people liked Simon helped Jesus carry the cross.’ Navin


year 6 leavers mass

Year 6 attended the Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral in June. This is an annual celebration for Year 6 children from across the Diocese as they prepare to move onto the next phase of their education. At the Mass, Bishop Declan asked the children to spread the light of Christ in their next schools through their actions and words. Gifts that represented messages in the Pope's letter 'Fratelli Tutti' were carried up in the offertory procession. We offered photos of the things we had done to put the messages into action. One of the photos showed the fundraising we had done for the school in Uganda because Pope Francis reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and it is our job to care for each other. 
After the Mass we went to Redland Education Centre for a Retreat where we focussed on our feelings and emotions as we come to the end of our time at Primary School and we get ready to start a new school. We know that God is with us on our journey and with the Holy Spirit to support us we should never be afraid.

st francis feast day

We brought our pets to school because St Francis' is the patron Saint of animals. Fr Reg and Year 6 led our Feast day Mass where we reflected on 'Stewardship' and how to be a 'Steward of Creation'. 



In October, Year 4 led our Harvest Mass, and encouraged those present to share God's love by helping others, particularly those less fortunate than ourselves. Following the Mass, the Prayer Team organised a harvest sale to raise money for the Uganda Water Project. They collected Chocolate bars and sold them, raising £361.00. They also set up a harvest Prayer Station, which encouraged others to give thanks to God for the food that we have and to pray for those who don't have enough to eat. 


service in honour of mary

During May, the whole school comes together to honour Mary.  
